Poll Results

Poll Results: Is ESPN Failing Because It’s Too Liberal?

Comments (42)
  1. dragonfire777 says:

    They are just disgusting.

  2. Steven Coy says:


    1. ThomasJefferson says:

      He wasn’t making a politica statement against a piece of cloth you ignorant fuck! U want to know whats wrong with America? Go look in he mirror. It’s infested with too many simple stupid people. The two mainstream presidential candidates is proof enough of that. Which one did YOU vote for?

      1. aepling12 says:

        You are what’s wrong with America!!!

        1. ThomasJefferson says:

          Dude, WE ARE AMERICA, the rest of you are a by product of failing to do what the original TJ said would have to be done from time to time to replenish the “Tree of Liberty”

          1. sluggo says:

            If YOU defend Kaepernick…and you do…then YOU are NOT “America”.

            People like you, and the entire lying liberal democrat party, prove it every single day by their anti American behavior.

            Wanting open borders…a flood of murdering muslims…stealing from working taxpayers to pay for the rest of the worlds healthcare, etc…these are NOT what the Founding Fathers wanted for this country.

            I served for over twenty years in the Air Force as a combat crew pilot…what did you do to even attempt to pay back some of what EVERY citizen owes this country…support whiny negro dick-heads like obama and Kaeprenick, Black LIES Matter, and the rest of the lying liberal democrat America haters?

            People like you don’t have a clue about how great America is, and continue to try to destroy every thing that makes America, America.

          2. ThomasJefferson says:

            sluggoo. A name that fits your mentality level. You are alsoa LIAR. ” I served for over 20 years as a Combat crew pilot”….Bullshit! I’ve known MANY pilots, and not one of them would have ever been guilty of thinking, let alone WRITTING, even under a bogus name, such stupid, shit. I understand what Kaepernick was protesting, It is an issue that affects everyone, every genuine liberty loving American needs to be protesting it in one way or the other, and I defend his right to protes it in the manner that he sees fit. I have a clue about how great the America the founders intended could BE, and in fact, was once much closer to being, I also realize that people like YOU have no business trying to reduce this country to a caricature of Nazi Germany, You have no conept of what the founders envisoned, (and in fact they would be imprisoned for growing some of the crops they grew, the writtings they wrote and the stands they took on tyranny, of any sort) and you are nutless as a steer, because if you weren’t you would immigrate to a country more in line with your beliefs, say like, North Korea. Why Not? You’d have all the police protection you could POSSIBLY want, no blacks, and everybody loves their totalitarian leader, unlike in America.At least thats what their l;eader and media claims, so it MUST be right! Right? And finally, I just have to ask because, like the parties themselves, I can’t tell a lot of difference in their followers after the election. But, are you a Repugnentcan or a Demonrat? I’m a lot more caustic than most of my brethren but I’m a Libertarian. I realize that is something completely beyond your grasp because for some weird reason or other, you think your hatred racism, and longing for a totalitarian, (look it up) government, makes YOU think that woud make America great. The only reason you deny it is because you and the rest of these cretins in this forum are incapable of seeing youself for what you REALLY ARE, You don’t have a clue of the tolerance, nor the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, for EVERYBODY, that one needs to embrace, (and fight for if need be) to make America be the place the founders intended. Hey, you wouldn’t lt at ALL if it was such a place.

          3. sluggo says:

            LOL…Hey “Tommy”…wipe the spittle off your chin, and have mommy change your bib…your rant must have been exhausting for someone with so little grey matter…go take a nap.
            I’m glad you “like” my screen name…I chose it to draw out the lying, liberal democrat vermin, like you, that pretend to “love America”…then support every single invading mongrel “dog” that sneaks in here under false pretenses and does everything they can to hurt America, like the murdering illegal mexican aliens, or obama’s brothers, the beheading jihadist muslims.

            You’re as dumb as the lowlife Kaepernick, who has had a free ride all his life simply because he can play football, and now chooses to criticize the very country that gave him his chance to be a millionaire, and side with all those that refuse to work, steal money from the government, create untold numbers of future street thugs and murderers because they are too busy smoking crack, getting their three inch nails done, or bleaching the shite out of their skin to look like Michael Jackson…and eventually filling our prisons at taxpayer expense.
            As far as your claim that I am a “LIAR”…you are basing your ill informed, but typical lying liberal democrat false charge on what?…that you have “known MANY pilots”?…that is certainly a very weak, and devoid of any logic, bit of “evidence” to support your foolish statement.
            I assure you, I am a retired Air Force pilot. But, I realize that all you lying-liberal-democrats lie so much…and you all KNOW that you ALL lie so much, that you can never accept the fact that others…the conservative, WE THE PEOPLE Americans, like President Thomas Jefferson…don’t lie, that we feel a duty to uphold our word when we give it, and feel that it is very important that others KNOW that fact that know us, or at least know OF us.
            This is a concept that is totally foreign to you, I am sure.

            Oh, and by the way, if you’re going to make a false charge in a written statement, and then so lose control of your wits that you feel the need to emphasize it, as expressed in all capitals, then you should at least SPELL YOUR FALSE CHARGE CORRECTLY!…the word is “writing”..not “WRITTING”…moron…or as Bugs Bunny used to say “maroon”…either is accceptable in this situation.
            You act as if no one else “understands” what the foolish Kaepernick was protesting…again, you are wrong.
            WE THE PEOPLE all know what he is protesting…and he is also wrong, and we are simply sick and tired of these pathetic, whiny, lying liberal democrat losers like him…and you… acting like you are “special”…that only “you” have a complaint in life…that everyone else must stop and pay attention to only “you”.
            You’re all ass-holes, whine about everything, blame others for your disappointments and laziness, and won’t face up to taking responsibility for your own lives and the mistakes that YOU have made that has made it what it is…can you say “more welfare, food stamps, aid to dependent children, drug rehab, rent subsidy, gas, water, electricity subsidies, free internet, cell phones, school lunches, free college, free, free, free, free, free…and, of course, AMNESTY for every murdering criminal illegal mexican alien and their illegal spawn, please!”…I’m sure you can…you people “demand” it constantly.
            Then, of course, all you pathetic, lying-liberal-democrat losers immediately bring up the “race card”, and the “Nazi card”, the “sexist card” or the “queer card”, etc, etc, etc….makes you feel “superior” doesn’t it? I understand, you HAVE to do that, simply because you people have absolutely NOTHING ELSE to point to as being a reason anyone would hold to your totally dishonest policies.
            Of course, there’s not one iota of evidence to support ANY of those charges…there never is…and, in fact, when the facts are checked, it’s the lying-liberal-democrats that are found to be the worst racists, sexists, and “Nazi-like” with their failure to allow ANY conservative speakers on “their” lying-liberal-democrat run colleges, such as the fascist cesspool known as Berkeley.

            Yeah, you people are totally the opposite of what America IS, and the ideals it stands for.
            Colin Kaepernick is a racist ass…and so are you, only you are even worse, after all, he IS a mongrel…like obama…who chooses to “forget” that it was his “dark half” that left him, so that…in his own delusional mind… gives him even more reason to hate white people, America, our history, Christian culture, economic system, schools, and. anything else he can think of on any given day.
            The Christians that came to America came here to have freedom of religion…NOT freedom FROM religion, as all you fascist, America hating, ACLU types fight for. Look it up.

            The Founding Fathers…yeah, you know, all those “old WHITE European males”…that all you racist, sexist, America-hating-homos criticize and try to defame on a daily basis, simply wanted a country, and government, free from the control of kings, (which the Kenyan born obama thought he was), bureaucrats, and highly placed, nepotism selected officials ruling the free people of America.
            Every lying-liberal-democrat alive today…and the phony “libertarians” like you, who are simply liberal democrats but are ashamed to openly admit it because the Kenyan born, racist, America hating, lying-liberal-democrat obama has shown the world and WE THE PEOPLE of America that the dishonest, socialist, big government policies of the liberal democrats…despite the overwhelmingly helpful “news” coverage in support of the America hating, leftist politicians of the DNC…will surely destroy everything that makes up the culture that makes America, America.
            You’re a mean spirited, bitter, twisted, foolish liberal democrat hiding behind a great Founding Father’s name, that simply can not support even one of the false statements you made in your post…not one of them.
            You know, if you’re going to take the name of a great American Founding Father, whose intellect was superior, his courage unflinching, and his penmanship, remarkable, then you should, at least…in deference to President Jefferson..learn how to spell.
            Oh, and by the way, you obama butt-kissing liberal democrat, keep this thought in mind….
            President Donald Trump…MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN…and the Founding Fathers PROUD!


          4. Steven McIntosh says:

            You have the IQ of a snail..you haven’t a clue where your ignorant ass is going and all you leave behind you is a trail of s**t!

      2. Joe says:

        Hey asshole go look in the mirror to see what’s wrong with this once great country. Liberal/socialist traitors like you are trying to take it down. You are an embarrassment to the great name of Thomas Jefferson. Change it to Scumbag Obama you jerk!!

        1. ThomasJefferson says:

          Hey Joe, typical of most low information simple minded, led by the ring in your nose boot ;licker oxygen consumer that happened to have the good fortune to sprout on the North American continent…. you’ll notice I didn’t refer to you as an AMERICAN, because when compared to a REAL American,, (such as those in the Continental army) you wouldn’t make a pimple on a REAL Americans ASS. Do you even know what the term Liberal means? What about Socialist, do U have a clue what a socialist even IS? I seriously doubt it. You and millios of others THINK you are a great patriot because you worship a piece of cloth, motuh the words of the pledge, and believe all the old BS that the traitor that run this country today tell you to believe If you are a Patriot.. Here’s a news flash for you Joe.. Get someone that has been trained to explain complex concepts to children, and get them to explain the ideas of people like Thomas Jefferson, and others of the founding fathers to you. The fact of the matter is Joe, TJ, George W. Ben Franklin, etc. etc. would hang D. Dump for treason, just as quick (if not quicker) as they would Obama. The ONY political party they would recognize as being TRULLY AMERICAN, would be the Libertarian party. From THEIR perspctive, Republicans are just as much socialist, and destroyers of the Bill of Rights, and the precepts of the Declaration of Indepndence as are the Demonrats. Believe me I give not a fig for what simple minded little sheeple such as yourself regurgitate because you are incapable of thinking for yourself, You merely repeat the drivel your rulers indoctrinate you with via the government controlled MSM.Oh, and that includes FAUX NEWS,despite their ASSertion to the contrary..In other words, most Americans are merely puppets, with yor rulers hand up your ass, moving your mouth to repeat their lies and your body to do their bidding. In closing, the only ones taking America down are those who among countless other unpatriotic acts, (believe me, sitting during the Natioinal Anthem would have been considered trivial in the extreme to Thomas Jefferson) are those millions such as yourself, willing to deprive those of us that Love Liberty, in the pursuit of your safety. In the end, NO ONE, especially the bootlickers, will have LIBERTY nor SAFETY.

          1. sluggo says:

            Nice rant. You need a genuine “fire hose” type of enema, TJ…you’re so full of shit you’d probably lose most of your body weight.

            Coy was right…Kaepernick IS a total ass-bag, and all those million dollar whiners should keep their freaking liberal politics off the field.

            He’s getting what he deserves. .Americans…not liberal democrat ass-wipes like you obviously, are sick of these cretins.

            You’re right about one thing…Thomas Jefferson would probably despise both the lying liberal democrat types, like you, and the phony RINO Republicans like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, etc.

            It’s people like you that have allowed Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the Founding Fathers to be maliciously attacked to try to bring down everything they stood…and fought…for.

            Bet you voted for the lying liberal democrat muslim obama…TWICE…didn’t you?

          2. Debra Baxter says:

            Man, Have YOU got it all wrong

          3. Steven McIntosh says:

            You know nothing of the founding fathers..they would have hanged you and the rest of liberals and left you for the vultures to feed off of!

          4. ThomasJefferson says:

            You would do well to read some of the founders own words and, quit getting your so called information from meme’s and websites hosted by Trumpeteers. Most of them, like the pos currently residing in the oval orfice, knowledge of the original Bill of Rights, as well as those that wrote it, have been del;uded by revisionist history, and revisionist historians, Redneck, statist liberty hating people such as yourself, would consider many of their writtings liberal until you realized who said it and why. I could write a whole page of quotes by my personal favorite, Thomas Jefferson, that your response to, (without knowing the source of) would bring out just how Nationalist Socialist leaning you are, The tragedy is, unless you happen to Google it, neither you, nor 3/4 of the idiots commenting in this thread know what nor who the Nationalist Socialist party was nor the prominent members thereof. The men that banded together to revolt against the government of the time,( The Amereican Revolution) would have hung most of you keyboard warriors, along with the bulk of your hero’s in Blue, and ALL of those that pretend to represent, We, the People. The only difference, that most of you pansies fail to realize, in the people, they went to war with, those that enforced the edits of those crooked, self serving politicians of yesterday,, and those of today, is the color of the uniforms. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans today haven’t got brains enough to know where their problems REALLY stem from. Instead they have been brainwashed by their rulers to blame everybody, but those who REALLY are to blame!

          5. backrow says:

            Sure do, they are called democrats.

          6. backrow says:

            It is not the cloth, it is what it stands for, besides making statements that you can’t possibly back up

      3. Carl Looney says:

        You are a despicable and deplorable anti-logical non-thinker. But what shows here is your hatred of yourself. You can beat that. Take it easy. List your problems and approaches to their solutions. Take the easier ones first and gain confidence. You can make yourself a decent human who likes people and yourself – but it is going to take some work.

      4. dolores salgado says:


      5. Carl Looney says:

        One is a gangster tied to at least 90 murders of people who knew too much. The other is a TV guy who keeps everyone guessing. There is no comparison. We have to get rid of the Clinton gangsters sooner rather than later. That dangerous idiot Hillary is going to run again in 2020 and completely destroy the Democratic Party. Cheers!

      6. backrow says:

        What a joke, you can’t even be civil in dissent.

    2. birdman says:

      when they honored the freak jenner did it for me

      1. ONTIME says:

        Jenner is like Christine Jorgeson…..She went to Madison Sq Garden and in the ring found out that the audience did not want to see her wrestle, they wanted to see her box…..

  3. Bill W says:

    When the NCAA punished North Carolina I turned off the March Madness. Politics will kill these purveyors of perversion. They need to get back to sports (perversion is NOT a sport)..

    1. Exactly! I didn’t watch ANY of the basketball all stars for exactly the same reason. If leagues can boycott states because of their political positions then we can boycott leagues because of theirs as well.

      Same with the Cavs. I have lost enthusiasm for watching the Cavs since Lebron became so vocal and pushing people to vote one way or the other.

      Michael Jordan is smartest businessesman of all. When asked his various positions on politics he has replied that he is not getting involved, after all both Republicans and Democrats are buying his shoes. Why would he piss either side off?

      1. Gen11American says:

        He really is smart! It’s too bad other Black players don’t follow his wise example. For failing to do so, the influence black basketball and football players enjoyed previously is rapidly declining. So is the amount of time Americans spend watching sports. All it takes is one bad apple in the barrel to change the trajectory of a nation, at least among patriotic Americans! What Colin Kaepernick has proven is that he doesn’t deserve to be an American at all, and by ESPN supporting players who aren’t patriotic to their country, they shouldn’t be on air!

        1. ThomasJefferson says:

          What the backlash is proof of ; If the American sports fan, was the type people that made up the first militias, there would have been no militias or America. Boot lickes aren’t Patriots, never have been, and never will be. Sports fans are merely sports fans, nothing more. Delude yourself all you want, at the end of the day, the reality is the same

          1. sluggo says:

            I think you have part of a valid point there…many are so clueless that they allow themselves to accept the delusional liberal political opinions of these semi-literate, racist, America haters, and don’t realize that these same grossly overpaid athletes would gladly bash their skulls with a brick for a dollar.

    2. Gen11American says:

      Perfect response, Bill W: That’s all that needs to be said, especially following Steven Coy’s rant!

    3. Louis R. Guin says:

      I agree.

  4. daniel williams says:

    Stopped watching all networks, not only because of the election and Fake News. but they are also pushing their interracial agenda. call me a racist or anything else you want, but everything you watch they have to insert a couple of different races . Eleanor Roosevelt said it 60 years ago , eventually we would be one race.
    All I’m saying it was going at it’s own pace anyway so why are you pushing it Feel for the children and the children of the soldiers of the vietnam war that were left behind most were slaughtered or made slaves and are still slaves to this day. But the media doesn’t report on that, they want to rehash over and over about an election that was lost six months ago. I’m a Democrat and would have maybe voted for any other woman but her. She’s a man basher and got what she deserves. A loss in November and Bill

    1. sluggo says:

      Wow…you sound so credible, then you say you are a democrat, which means you openly support obama’s and Hillary’s lies, no borders, tens of thousands of murderous muslims coming in to America like they are in England, France, Germany, Scandinavia, and all of Europe.

      I honestly do NOT understand how anyone that knows anything about America, what it represents, our history, Christian culture, language, morals, etc etc, etc, and sees what Hollywood, the lying liberal democrat mass media, the illegal mexicans, and murdering muslims are doing to, not only America, but the rest of the civilized, Western, White, Christian countries, could support and vote for ANY democrat these days.

      1. daniel williams says:

        Sluggo : You are absolutely correct except for one thing , I said I was registered Democrat. I have an alliterative motive for this. I can vote in the party primary an vote against the party favorite and maybe sway the outcome in a way . sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. and by the way , My vote counted in one of the last three presidential elections. So there you have it I am a DEPLORABLE REDNECK and proud of it. So please don’t pre judge me, because I stand for everything you stand for, I just go about it in a different way.
        Is this country great or what. Just to have the right to vote , we had some pretty smart Forefathers to think ahead of what could go wrong and wrote it down on a piece of paper called the Constitution of the United States of America. Now we have some college Girls and Boy’s who think they can do a better job and try to rewrite it. We have some people who think they deserve to be paid reparations because their great, great, great grand parents were brought here as slaves and were used to help build this great country and they want us to pay for this. these are the same people that set around in their habitat for humanity homes getting knocked up by a different baby daddy every year because the one before is in prison for one reason or another . these people get a check $1280 a month for each child and $3000 a month if they can prove a disability. excuse me for getting off topic here but i’m a redneck Trumpite and I reserve the.right to do so. forgive me for being a democrat but I voted for Mr Trump who I believe could be a great President and make America great again given half the chance. Main stream Media SHAME ON YOU !!!

        1. sluggo says:

          Well, Daniel, thank you for your informative answer, but I believe you actually wrote “I’m a Democrat”…that’s like saying “We’re all ‘rats’, but I’m one of those that carry Bubonic plague” to me. lol
          I’m glad to hear your thoughts on America, and totally agree with you on all of them.
          Thanks also for your political “savvy” in how you size up your local voting patterns, and do the most GOOD when you can FOR America…excellent!
          You are an informed American, a wise voter, and clearly, a gentleman and a scholar.
          I believe I would be proud to call you my friend.

          Take care.


          1. daniel williams says:

            Thanks My Friend

  5. Robert Russell says:

    Two Liberal for me!

  6. Tins17 says:

    He was born a male and will die a male, end of story.

  7. theojt says:

    Stopped watching CNN a long time ago.

  8. Carl Looney says:

    Athletes should stick to being athletic and good sports. No politicians needed on the field.

  9. Robert Russell says:

    Never watch NFL games any more to un American for me.

  10. Southerngirl says:

    After they honored a FREAK like Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner; I have NOTHING for ESPN. Which is fine with me. Because the NHL and ESPN severed ties a long while back. So I have NO use for them anyway. BOTTOM LINE!!!!

  11. ONTIME says:

    1st the ESPN has tried to suck the head off the lib eel and found out it crawled down their throat and now they are gagging and spiting trying to catch their breath……fire Goodall and get real adults with a finger on the fans pulse, not some sissy player who has no idea who buttered their bread and fine the hell out of them when these political idiots bring their laundry to the game and make the fans smell it….that goes for the moderators as well…..

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